Be Bold, Save the Bees.


Did you know, honeybees perform nearly 80% of all plant pollination worldwide?

According to Greenpeace, 70 of the top 100 human food crops, from fruits, nuts and vegetables, supply about 90% of the world’s nutrition and are pollinated by bees. 

Yet, the death and extinction of the bees has become a global crisis.

But enough with the "save the bees" mantra - our "All Hail Queen Bee" campaign will reshape the way bee conservation is presented; making it something easy, chic, vibrant, A-list fun for everyone!

We partnered with a handful of leading bee-related brands to introduce a new spin on sustainability. We'll be showcasing delicious wine made of honey, fashion that makes you gorgeous and is crafted from organic, plant-based textiles, food that is scrumptious and grown on an urban farm, as well as stylish bee gardens for your own condo balcony!


It’s procreation, proliferation, pollination. Sustainability is life creating more life. It’s about the “birds and the bees,” literally. 

Watch our campaign teaser below and stay tuned for more exciting updates.